Ahlan Wa Sahlan! On Making Friends in Kuwait

When I travel, I like to visit ancient sites, art museums and doing other types of cultural activities. Not when I am in Kuwait. As Kuwait is just a small country, I have seen pretty much everything worth visiting already. The focus shifts to relaxation and catching up with friends instead. Pretty much all of…

Flirting Kuwaiti-style

I am walking home from Kuwait’s newest mall. Just having finished buying cookies for family, friends and colleagues, I discarded the idea of taking a taxi for such a short distance. The weather is wonderful, and even though Kuwait is not exactly a walking country (read: the pavement looks like an obstacle run) I think…

Fluent or not Fluent, that is the Question

“I am planning to move to Spain for six months to become fluent in Spanish”. A young lady with inspiring plans posts in a Facebook group I am a member of, asking for recommendations. I can’t help responding that whereas I think immersion in a language is great and super helpful, fluency in just six…

The Real Expat Life

“Your life is so exciting, you travel so much”. I am meeting two of my closest friends over the Christmas break, and they express their envy of some of the things that I am doing. And it is true, you know, I do travel a lot. Last year I went on six trips, and the…

Thinking of home

With less than two weeks to go until my Italy trip, it suddenly struck me. The guilt feeling. That little voice inside your head asking you why you are using a few of your precious holidays to go travel a foreign country, all on your own. The answer is very easy of course:  with the…

The expat dilemma: voting from abroad

With Erdogan and his referendum campaign creating headlines all over the world, one would almost forget that a political event of note also took place in the Netherlands. This month, the Netherlands voted for a new parliament, an event I had been looking forward with both hope and anxiety. On the one hand it was a chance to get…